STAFFER Final Conference

Thursday, 24 Oct 2024  09:30
Rue de la Loi 42, 1040 Brussels (L42 Venue)

The Skill Training Alliance For the Future European Rail system (STAFFER) Final Conference will take place on 24 October 2024, in Brussels.

The 4-year EU-funded project brought together more than 30 partners representing academics, trainers, authorities, operators and suppliers to assess Europe’s current academic and vocational training programmes, craft reforms, help implement their recommendations and forecast needs beyond the project’s lifespan to help make the rail sector even more attractive to current and future employees.

Join us on 24 October to discuss the outcomes of the STAFFER project at the venue L42 (Rue de la Loi 42, 1040 Brussels).

More information regarding the conference programme will follow soon.

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