In March 2020, CER and ETF started a new social dialogue project on the topic of Employability in the railway sector in the light of automation and digitalisation. With the support of EVA Academy and wmp, the EU funded project is a follow-up on the 2007 joint recommendations on the concept of employability in the railway sector.
The funding was approved and the project “Employability in the railway sector in the light of Digitalisation and Automation (EDA Rail)” started on 1 March 2020, set for a duration of 18 months. Due to COVID, an extension was granted until 31 August 2022. The project was divided into two parts:
- Phase 1 consisted of desk research and interviews with company-level management representatives and trade union representatives. Interviews focused on Hungary, Denmark, France, Austria, Germany and Italy.
- Phase 2 consisted of 4 regional workshops which provided a more detailed understanding of the issues linked to employability in the light of digitalisation and automation.
The final conference took place on 15 June 2022 in Brussels.
Download the final report here.