25 years of CER and EU transport policy
Back in 1988, 14 railway companies felt the need to establish a stronger link with the European institutions following increasingly significant political developments in transport. As a result, CER was founded as an independent group of the International Union of Railways (UIC) with its own offices in Brussels. Soon after this, in 1991, the European Commission began the first of its initiatives to regulate the railway sector by adopting the foundation for rail market opening - Directive 91/440/EEC.
A number of other important rail legislative proposals followed: the first railway package was published in 2001, the second in 2004, the third in 2007, and the fourth one in January 2013.
CER, representing the vast majority of EU rail business, has always been at the forefront in helping shape rail regulation. CER became an independent body in 1996, and the membership grew quickly to its current level of 82 railway undertakings, infrastructure companies and vehicle leasing companies.
On behalf of our membership we aim to continue being a reliable but also critical partner towards the EU institutions. We will continue working hard to make rail the backbone of the future European transport system. And we are fully aware that we will only be successful when keeping a close dialogue with our members, our partners and all our interlocutors.
We thank you for your support and trust over the past 25 years and look forward to continue working with you all in the future.