RINF use and evolution
With this Position Paper CER and ERFA present their view on the use and evolution of RINF (Register of Infrastructure) as a mid-to-long-term goal to be achieved.
The primary objective of RINF is to support the process of assessing the route compatibility between the vehicle and the route. In order to support a sound assessment the register of infrastructure must be comprehensive. RINF has to be populated with the relevant information by each National Registry Entity (NRE). NREs from each Member State (MS) have already provided data but the set of data in RINF is not yet complete.
As a mid-to-long-term goal, it is important to avoid any redundancy with the TSIs and to optimise the infrastructure managers’ efforts in providing information to railway undertakings. Therefore, we promote a harmonisation of the TSI requirements that provide use cases to RINF (e.g. Annex D of the OPE TSI) and amendments to avoid any repetition in this respect.
As IMs have to provide data to RUs to comply with different legal duties, the proposed approach will allow using specific and unique data exchange channels for each necessary item with the RUs: the RINF must be one of these channels.