Joint Vision for the Sector on Digital Capacity Management
The following Joint Vision, endorsed by CER alongside RailNetEurope (RNE), Forum Train Europe (FTE), the Rail Freight Forward initiative (RFF), the European Rail Infrastructure Managers (EIM), the European Rail Freight Association (ERFA) and the International Union of Railways (UIC), lays the cornerstones of the future of Digital Capacity Management (DCM). DCM will contribute to freeing up capacity on congested lines and boosting modal shift to rail for both passenger and freight traffic. As such it is a major game changer when it comes to reaching Green Deal targets for the transport sector. It is also an integral IT part of the European programme 'TimeTable Redesign (TTR) for Smart Capacity Management'.
Read the full vision in our joint paper available to download below.
Find out more about Digital Capacity Management in this short video: