Joint CER/EIM/UNIFE and EUTT Position Paper: Real-time information for high customer services
With this paper, the Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER), the European Rail Infrastructure Managers (EIM), the European Rail Industry (UNIFE), and the European Travel Tech organisation (EUTT) jointly question the latest proposal of the European Union Agency for Railways (ERA) for the 2022 revision of the TAP TSI Regulation to use TAP TSI messages as appropriate technical means to ensure access to real-time pre-journey information and information during the journey according to Article 10 of Regulation (EU) 2021/782. Objecting to such a proposal, CER/EIM/UNIFE/EUTT jointly flag that it goes against smooth and flexible access to the information promoted by the Regulation, to the detriment of the passenger. A full Impact Assessment is required to demonstrate the affordability of such a proposal.
CER/EIM/UNIFE and EUTT recommend continuing the dialogue on real-time information, to define the best technical solution to guarantee the highest possible standard of customer service through a European framework securing a reasonable, fair, and non-discriminatory playing field.
In addition, CER/EIM/UNIFE recommend to further specify such appropriate technical means through the conclusion of a contract or other arrangements between concerned stakeholders.
Read more in the full paper below.