Challenges faced by rail Infrastructure Managers to reach Green Deal goals
With the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy (SSMS), the European Commission presented its guidelines for the transport policy in the coming years. Transport must become more sustainable, intelligent and resilient. The Green Deal and its SSMS set ambitious goals: a 90% reduction in transport emissions by 2050, doubling passenger high-speed rail traffic by 2030 and tripling it by 2050, while increasing rail freight by 50% by 2030 and doubling it by 2050.
Meeting these goals will require a fundamental shift of traffic to rail. A renewed emphasis on how to assure high-quality infrastructure investments and more rail capacity is needed. Consequently, the railway sector in general and Infrastructure Managers (IMs) in particular have a key role in reaching these goals. However with this role comes a series of challenges.
Read more in our full paper below about the 6 main challenges identified by infrastructure managers and what is needed to help meet them.