CER Position - Revision of the Railway State Aid Guidelines
In the context of the European Commission's revision of the “Community guidelines on State aid for railway undertakings”, CER has gathered its members' views in regard to the content of the updated text which is currently being developed by DG Competition.
In its Green Deal Communication, the European Commission notes that “as a matter of priority, a substantial part of the 75% of inland freight carried today by road should shift onto rail and inland waterways.” Similarly, in its Communication on a 'Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy,' the Commission notes the need for “decisive action to shift more activity towards more sustainable transport modes (notably […] shifting a substantial amount of freight onto rail,” indicating that transport by rail should double by 2050. In line with these policy objectives, the updated text of the Railway Guidelines should provide strong incentives for modal shift to rail and thus should make it easier for Member States to support rail transport.
Read more in our position paper below about which stipulations of the updated text of the Guidelines CER believes would be most appropriate to reach these objectives.