What 'Mobility as a Service' means for the rail customer
Our thanks to all who participated in this event!
About the event
The growth in customer expectation and usage of the rail network means that digitalisation is necessary to improve the quality of services, information provision, and ease-of-access for both passenger and freight customers. Digital-based business models such as Mobility as a Service (MaaS) can help to increase options for travellers, whilst supporting the shift towards more sustainable transport modes.
As the new European Parliament and the Council strategic priorities clearly indicate, the environment will be a key topic on the European Agenda in the next five years. As the most environmentally sustainable form of transport, rail needs to be a key component of these discussions. The expected capacity and productivity gains from investments in MaaS and other digital technology mean the digital transformation of the railways may provide Europe’s best chance of reducing its transport emissions while continuing to improve customer experience.
On 6 November 2019, CER together with VR Group and the Finnish Presidency of the EU held an event to look at all these fast-developing issues. Maria Rautavirta, Director of the Data Business Unit at the Finnish Ministry of Transport and Communications, opened the event with a keynote speech, followed by a presentation from Delphine Grandsart, Research Officer, European Passenger Federation. Our panellists were Ismail Ertug, MEP (S&D, DE) in the Transport and Tourism Committee; Elisabeth Werner, Director Land Transport at the European Commission; Nadia Hadad, Executive Committee Member of the European Disability Forum; Carlo Borghini, Executive Director of Shift2Rail; and Rolf Jansson, President and CEO of VR Group.