European Year of Skills
The European Year of Skills aims to address skills gaps in the European Union and boost the EU skills strategy, which will help reskill people with the focus on digital and green technology skills. This will require helping people get the right skills for quality jobs and helping companies, in particular small and medium enterprises by highlighting national efforts as well as -existing and new EU initiatives and EU funding possibilities. It will support skills-related activities and events across Europe.
Throughout the year, various stakeholders, including the Commission, the European Parliament, Member States, social partners, public and private employment services, chambers of commerce and industry, education and training providers, as well as workers and businesses, will work together to promote skills development.
The Year starts on 9 May and will run for 12 months, with many actions and initiatives to be launched and promoted. Stay tuned for CER activities and updates on this highly relevant topic, which railways are already actively working on within the STAFFER project - The Skill Training Alliance For the Future European Rail system.
Visit the European Year of Skills website for more information on the objectives of the initiative, key events and how to get involved.
Videos: If you want to hear first-hand stories from our members about jobs and skills in the rail sector, watch now CER's video series #SkillsOnTrack.